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Prenatal Yoga & Doula Services. Labor & Childbirth Support.

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Why is Prenatal Yoga Different than other types of yoga?

Health care providers will tell an expecting person that yoga is safe for pregnancy, and sometimes this will be the first time that a person is seeking yoga.

I encourage anyone to find Prenatal Certified Instructors during this time. The pregnant body is flowing with hormones which relax the ligaments & tendons to make room for baby’s decent through the pelvis. Literally one hormone is called “relaxin”. This is not a time to find new flexibility. We can modify for the pregnant body and know when it’s important to modify a pose, how to breath and when to feel a sensation and safely stay in that place.

Prenatal yoga can offer poses specifically to prepare the body and mind for labor and delivery. It is also a wonderful way to counteract some of the aches and sensations that come with pregnancy as well as keep the body strong to support mother and baby.

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Pregnancy Exercise or Prenatal Yoga Line Drawing
Pregnancy Exercise or Prenatal Yoga Line Drawing
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Vinyasa & Restorative Yoga

Vinyasa is the practice of yoga that links all the poses together creating a flow of movement. There are classes appropriate for all levels and needs. Vinyasa yoga can be modified for pregnancy, postpartum and age &body type. Props make it possible to modify for each person. Even the most seasoned yogi needs to modify for injury, illness, physical limitations, or life events. .

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Restorative yoga is the art of supporting the body completely with props to allow for the total surrender and relaxation of the body. Poses are held for 10-15 minutes. This practice can improve sleep, reduce stress, improve circulation and help prevent injuries. It's suitable for all levels. Monday Candlelight Flow & Restore begins and ends with a Restorative poses.

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Doula Services & Prenatal Yoga

What a doula can provide:

-Focused 1 on 1 support for the laboring Mom.

-Education of what to expect when Labor begins, the stages of labor, 24 hour text or call when in labor.

-Available for texts throughout pregnancy.

-In home and virtual prenatal visits.

-Childbirth Education class recommendations and education.

-Birth & Labor Yoga class to prepare the couple for pain management, coping with labor, ways to keep Mom comfortable and relaxed.

-An advocate for the laboring mom and couple in the hospital.

-Education for what the partner can expect and ways to offer support when labor begins.

-Support to labor at home as long as possible, delaying hospital intervention unless it’s medically necessary.

-Relief for the partner so they are more rested to help when Baby arrives.

-Assistance with creating a Birth Plan and understanding the choices that couples need to make for Mom and baby before and after baby arrives.

Prenatal Yoga & preparing for labor:

-Learning movement that mirrors trusted laboring poses and delivering positions.

-Prime the body and pelvis for the path baby will take.

-Grow familiar with poses before labor that can help with pain management so it is easier to stay home longer.

-Grow familiar with poses that encourage baby to move down.

-Gain mobility in the pelvis so it’s ready to open and make room for baby.

-How partner can support mom in laboring positions with counter pressure, a Rebozo, or birth ball.

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Please call/ text for a Free consultation.

(646) 283-6363

About me

I’m Katie and I am a yogi, a doula, a mother of two, a former stage manager for live theater, and a dog-mom. I’m 700 Hours trained and registered with Yoga Alliance. My continuing education is in Restorative, Bhakti, Stand up Paddle Yoga, and I hold a certification in Prenatal Yoga.

Since I have added my Doula training to my tool belt I’m excited to provide the combination of the two, which fit together naturally, to prepare and support moms & couples for labor and delivery.

I have two children of my own and had the experience of one delivery with a Doula and one without. So the clear contrast of the two experiences stays with me. I want to support people during this time because I’m positive it can only add education, preparation, support and a sense of calm for this special event in their lives.

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Doula Services

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Packages customizable and can include:

  • 2-3 Prenatal visits
  • Call/ text ANY time for questions/ concerns
  • Accompany to appointments if needed
  • Education & advocation for you and your partner
  • Prenatal yoga instruction
  • Birth & Labor class for couples
  • 1 on 1 Labor & delivery support

I partner with other doulas offering energy work, nutritional counseling & more. We are back ups for each other up so you will not be without support when you are in active labor and ready for your Doula.

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(646) 283-6363

Please call/ text for a Free consultation.

(646) 283-6363

Events/ Workshops

Contact to schedule these in your studio

(646) 283-6363



Intro to Prenatal Yoga

A Workshop for Yoga Teachers covering:

  • what to offer/ avoid when moving the pre & postnatal body
  • physiological/ hormonal changes instructors need to know
  • Propped up demonstrations to move and support the expecting body in asana
  • Create a supportive setting & community for expectant mothers in class
  • Dharma & Mantras for the pregnancy & birthing process
  • Comfort in leading an expecting person through your class
  • poses for labor & delivery
  • restorative yoga safe for pregnancy
  • Pranayama safe for pregnancy & labor
  • a guided yoga class for partners
  • yoga poses for each stage of labor and how a partner can support their laboring person in each pose
  • propped restorative poses safe for pregnancy and labor
  • breath-work safe for pregnancy and suitable for pain management in labor
  • No Yoga experience required
  • layered in labor & birth education from a certified Doula
  • how Doulas can support laboring person and partners
  • Q & A & guided meditation